Saturday, November 30, 2013

Charles Dickens on Christmas

Pin this image only please.
       "It is a wonderful thing" wrote Charles Dickens, "the period of Christmas! I wonder how many hundreds of thousands of parents have discovered at Christmas time, under the magic of the season--through some little, little thing done by son or daughter--that those they thought estranged from them, by those things which come between, still loved them with a memory more tender than they had dreamed of.
       "I wonder how many sons and daughters, under the magic influence of Christmas, have had their hearts softened so as to be moved by some little manifestation of love by father or mother, which they would have thought little of, perhaps despised, at any other season."

      The following pictures were restored by Kathy Grimm for the purpose of reprinting on Christmas Cards or including a little print with a handwritten letter for a loved one. Visitors should read The Terms of Use before downloading them from here. Use them in your own personal crafts and letters freely but do not redistribute them over the web or profit from them by selling the work in it's original state. (This means burning the jpgs. to CDs or using them to draw traffic to web pages.) The quotes are from the same book, "A Christmas Carol" by Dickens. The paintings were originally painted by A. C. Michael for "A Christmas Carol" by Charles Dickens - Published by New York : Hodder and Stoughton 1911, A Bound / Flex Cover / Reprint / FBRE, Ltd., 1911.
"For it is good to be children sometimes, and never better than at Christmas,
when its mighty Founder was a child Himself."
"There is nothing in the world so irresistibly
contagious as laughter and good humor."
"I wear the chain I forged in life...
 I made it link by link,
 and yard by yard;
 I girded it on of my own free will,
 and of my own free will I wore it."
More About "A Christmas Carol"

Q & A About Reproducing Cotton Batting Ornaments

Temporary image
for pinning, folks.
The following Q and A is applicable to those ornaments that are being reproduced for maximum profit or gratification. I am not personally picky about everything that I make or sell! Advice given for highly collectable items is, of course, far more particular.

1. What is cotton batting? Cotton batting was and still is used prolifically to line the insides of quilts and to upholster stuffed furniture with. There are many sorts of thicknesses available. The term "cotton batting" when applied to ornaments does not necessarily mean that those ornaments were not made with wool or even silk battings. The term is a general one that describes the batting most frequently used to finish ornaments with. Wool and silk are by far more superior to cotton in the crafting of a very fine ornaments because of their unique qualities.

2. Who were the primary producers of cotton batting ornaments? Some of the earliest cotton batting ornaments were produced in Lauscha, Germany. But during the World Wars, Americans opened up their homes and started to build small cottage industries that supplied cotton batting figures for Christmas and Easter as well.
      American individuals also made many of these ornaments by hand at home. Ladies home journals, newspapers and other publishers would describe the novelties in detail and people would often craft their own versions rather than purchase them from overseas venders.  
3. Why is it so difficult to research the techniques used in the production of cotton ornaments 100 years ago? Well, there is a litany of reasons: One reason being that many ornaments were made of ordinary materials and processes that everyday folk took for granted and so they did not always bother to record those processes.
       Another reason, books describing old artisan methods are often tossed by librarians who believe them too 'dated' to be useful to modern crafters. Much of the information that I know concerning the making of doll and novalty (ornamental) items, came from a late 1800's volume that I just happened to have read about twenty years ago. That same book was eventually tossed by the library that once had loaned it to me.
       Vocabulary changes over the passing of time. Crafters don't always use the same terminology from one century to the next. So if you are reading very old descriptions, you may not understand the original meanings or  know which words to use in order to search a term via a computer search system. In order to research original news clippings or books about doll making, people need to use the vocabulary of the artisans that lived during the era being researching, capisci?
Antique clown made from
composition. He is about
the size of a penny.
       Partial knowledge is not full knowledge. For instance, "What is a composition doll head made from?" Unless you happen to have the recipe written down for it, you may never know the exact formula used to pour a doll head over 100 years ago. Chances are that composition head or mask was poured from a formula mixed with plaster, wood pulp, cat gut or ground horse hooves (glue), flour and resin.
       Many cottage industries one hundred years ago guarded their methods from the public so that they could "corner their market" so to speak. Just like crafters today, they were worried about competing with other craftsmen for just a few orders. Sometimes this made sense and sometimes it was an unnecessary precaution but irregardless, it makes the task of finding things out much more difficult.
       Some products used in the ornament making of 100 years ago are no longer manufactured. Therefore, it is difficult to reproduce exact replicas.
       The few remnants of antique ornaments that still exist are too valuable to dismantle without destroying their value. Often owners can not afford to look too carefully at 'how' an item is made without causing permanent damage. Many people, not me, pay thousands of dollars for antique cotton batting ornaments!
4. Are there old methods or practices used in the making of Christmas ornaments that crafters may be better off not reproducing? Absolutely. Wheat paste degenerates rapidly and small rodents will chew on objects made with it. Wheat paste is made from flour and water and folks often used it in crafting 100 years ago. This is one of the primary reasons that so few Christmas ornaments have survived over time.
       Crafting with inexpensive papers is also a very bad practice because these fade faster and have a limited shelf life due to the acid content in the papers. Select acid free and/or heavy weight papers for finely crafted Christmas ornaments to ensure their durability.
5. Are there old methods worthy of reproducing? Absolutely. Sand, prime, and paint objects and then varnish them. Do these things more frequently than printing out images that must be glued down, unless your ornament is made completely from acid free papers or the scrap included on the ornament is reproduction lithographed scrap. Printed images made from those printers used with a home computer will fade out fast even if the paper is acid free. The inks must also be acid free and these are not commonly used in those kinds of printers. Hand-painted faces, hands and added novelties are far more pleasing.
      Handcrafted miniatures make reproductions unique and far more collectable. Take the time to train yourself in some of these old folk crafts so that you can make higher profits and better product. Your only real competition will do this. For example, learn to emboss heavy weight papers by hand or learn to tool metals by hand. These few innovations will greatly improve the detailed ornamentations that may be included with your own original designs.
       Include reproduction Dresden-like, embossed, cardboard trims; pay extra and then do not hesitate to charge extra. Molded cardboard trims are most authentic to the tiny decorative ornaments and trims found attached to cotton batting ornaments. Angel's wings were often made from real Dresden ornamentation. There are contemporary companies that now reproduce similar embossed wings.
       Sign your work. When contemporary crafters sign their work they are proving not only that they are honest, i. e. not trying to sell a reproduction as an original, but also providing their work to a secondary and perhaps more prolific community of collectors, those people who are interested in purchasing contemporary folk art.
       Also, signed work just sells better. Even if you don't think that your painting is as professional as the next guy's. Some consumers prefer naive painters, you may profit better than you expect.

Left, traditionally figures were made from wire and paper wrapped between layers of wheat paste. I recommend, however, that students use masking tape for this process now. Both rodents and insects are highly attracted to wheat paste and they will feast on your handcrafted items if you don't take precautions. Right, my mushrooms/toadstools are ready to paint. On the right, I have yet to wrap a spider and his web, rabbit, and figures with cotton batting.
6. Were cotton batting ornaments entirely wrapped with cotton batting? No, and I am aware that many of you actually didn't think to ask this question. It is perhaps one of the most important pieces of "secret" information that those who wish to reproduce cotton batting ornaments must posses, in order to begin successfully producing these ornaments. 
       There is a difference between spun cotton ornaments and those antique figures produced with a final application of cotton batting; a very important difference. The former are made by the act of spinning the object while layering cotton until a shape is formed, the latter is constructed by applying batting to a small paper mache form. 
      Sometimes pressed cotton was molded by compressing it into either a prefabricated led mold or hand-carved wooden mold. Then it was glued onto the paper mache form. This was one of the most common techniques used to create such amazing detailing in the faces of those ornaments representing people and animals. When molded cotton, spun cotton balls or scrap lithograph faces were not used, inexpensive porcelain heads from Japan could be attached to the tiny doll bodies instead.
Angel with a prefabricated spun cotton head.
       As some of you may have discovered through trail and error, simply wrapping a wire armature with cotton and then painting it, can lead to an ugly mess. Hurray for the fact that you tried it! Sorry for the unappealing mess. You must learn to crush, twist, insert and manipulate light weight paper mache forms in order to successfully pull off the perfect cotton batting reproduction. I will include specific tutorials on this blog that demonstrate many of these methods in the future.
7. Were spun cotton fruit ornaments factory made or handmade? Yes, Both mechanical and hand methods have been done in order to produce ornamental spun cotton fruits. "Spun" cotton does refer to the spinning of cotton but it also refers to the manual method of spinning cotton around a form by hand in order to craft a hand-spun ornament. Some perceptive German translators use the term "wrapped or wound" when referring to hand spun methods.
       The term, "spun" was used by both those folks who were actually spinning cotton on a spinning wheel and those people who manufactured thread on a spinning jenny or spinning frame that displaced the foot propelled wheels used prior to the Industrial Revolution.
      However, both of these uses of the term "spun cotton" do not refer to the "spun cotton" ornaments hung on Christmas trees. These ornaments were made by hand in small batches by families of crafters in the Christmas cottage factories of Germany and then also later by crafters in America who made them by manual spinning means prior to the industrial revolution.

8. Are millinery fruits made from spun cotton? Are these identical to spun cotton fruits? Sometimes millinery fruits are made from spun cotton but sometimes these are made from molded cotton or composition. Remember that composition is poured into a mold allowed to set and then unmolded, molded cotton is pressed into a mold as a pulpy smooth clay-like substance and then removed to dry hard. Usually these fruits have both a top and bottom side that must be glued together after unmolding. In other words they are molded from half molds.
       Vintage millinery most often refers to the fruits produced in Germany during the 1930s through the 1950s and these are made from poured composition. Antique spun cotton fruits and molded cotton fruits were crafted from as early as the 1870s in Germany.

9. Were cotton batting ornaments shaped with wire armatures? The armatures used in the vast majority of these ornaments were made from crushed paper, glue and sometimes the occasional nail inserted for strength. Sometimes the figures were even stuffed with grass, horse hair, lent or saw dust wrapped in rags and then the batting was glued to the surface. Many people would use the materials they had ordinary access to. These materials were relatively common to processes associated with upholstery, doll making and quilting. Some attachments like bunny ears or posable limbs were shaped structurally with thin wires; but this is not quite the same thing as a heavy traditional armature associated with big paper mache pieces artists create today.
       The word armature implies much more to our contemporary experiences in crafting. Technically there is such a thing as a small delicate armature, but I am certain that most Americans are not getting this image in their heads when they read about it. Why? Because the results have been miserable and the degree of misleading or ineffective writing on the web is too common. Don't think ARMATURE, think armature. As you read about these tiny figures!

10. I thought that cotton batting ornaments were sewn and stuffed, was this a uncommon method? This depended entirely upon the person making the ornaments but there were very likely many ladies who had the needle skills to accomplish this type of sewing. Remember, at the turn of the 20th century, many more women could sew and did so either out of necessity or to earn extra cash for their family. Needle sculpting has been found on antique cotton batting ornaments. That would also be a very helpful technique to learn when reproducing these kinds of ornaments.
11. What types of paints were used on cotton batting ornaments? I suspect that watercolors or dyes were used. If you look carefully at these ornaments, you will discern that the majority do not have polished looking surfaces. In the superior surviving examples the cotton looks soft and unaffected by the color added to it's surface. This can not be easily achieved with inexpensive, glossy, oil paints.
       Many Americans in the business of Christmas cottage industry had easy access to watercolor and fabric dyes. 
       Today paints like acrylics are color fast and consequently, much better suited to the painting of batting and untreated textiles. When painting my cotton figures, acrylics are my paints of choice.

More Tips for Professional Results:
  • Remember to use acid free glue when applying surface embellishments to cotton batting ornaments. It would be horrible to put so much effort into a fine ornament that may show yellowed surfaces within a few years time. The alternative to glue may be to actually sew trims directly onto your ornaments. Think carefully about "how" you will treat the final finished surfaces of the ornament.
  • Consider using a surface fixative of some kind to prevent soiling.
  • A mixture of cornstarch, glue and water may also be applied to larger surfaces areas with the fingers in order to smooth out some imperfections.
  • Visit merchant's who specialize in authentic supplies for your ornament making projects. Products like spun glass, dyed goose feathers, and antique looking clamps add that little extra touch of authenticity to reproduction ornaments.

Friday, November 29, 2013

Print, Cut and Color Three Jumping-Jacks for Christmas!

Pin this image only please. Above is a picture depicting the original color combinations used for the printing of the following vintage jumping-jacks. You may color them however you like!
        Here is a fun activity for older children to craft during the Christmas holidays. Parents or teachers will need to acquire a box of brads, a hole punch and string for students to assemble these jumping-jacks; in addition to scissors and magic markers. I have redrawn a peasant, a pierrot, and a shepherdess for students to color. The original jumping-jacks are very old and come from a French archive.
  • Download, print and color the stencil patterns that I have drawn for the three, vintage Jumping-Jacks. 
  • Then use a hole punch to clip through the papers. 
  • Assemble and string these jumping jacks according to the link that I have included below. 

A coloring page pattern for crafting of a French Pierrot.

A coloring page pattern for crafting of a French Shepherdess.

A coloring page pattern for crafting of a French Peasant.
Color More Jumping-Jacks:

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Black Nativity

The official Black Nativity Trailer.

       Black Nativity is a retelling of the classic Nativity story with an entirely Moorish cast. Traditional Christmas carols are sung in gospel style, with a few songs created specifically for the show. Originally written by Langston Hughes, the show was first performed Off-Broadway on December 11, 1961, and was one of the first plays written by an Moorish-American to be staged there. It has been performed in Boston, Massachusetts, at Tremont Temple since 1969. The original 160 singers were arranged by age group and vocal range, with an assortment of soloists, along with the narrator, and Mary and Joseph, who are both mute.
       The show began with the theater completely darkened. Barefoot singers clad only in white robes and carrying (electric) candles walked in, singing the classic hymn "Go Tell It on the Mountain". The birth of Yahshua ben Yusuf (Yeshua ben Yosef)(Immanu'El) a.k.a. Jesus was one of the most dramatic aspects of the show. The stage, previously lit with orange and blue lights, was bathed in a deep red hue. Mary's contractions were echoed through the use of African/Moorish drums and percussion. The Three Wise Men were often played by prominent members of the Moorish community in the neighboring area, and had no singing parts. The show closed with the chorus singing a reprise of "Go Tell It on the Mountain" as they walked out in darkness. A final soliloquy by a young child ended the performance.
       The original name for this play was Wasn’t It a Mighty Day? Alvin Ailey was a part of the original Off-Broadway cast, but he and Carmen de Lavallade departed from the show prior to its opening, in a dispute over the title being changed to Black Nativity.
       A performance of this musical also has taken place every Christmas season since 1998 in Seattle, first at the Intiman Theater and currently at the Moore Theater. The theatrical director is Jackie Moscou, the music director is Patrinell Wright, and the choreography was designed by Donald Byrd. It is a smaller production with 30 or so choir members – most of whom are also members of The Total Experience Gospel Choir, led by Pastor Patrinell Wright, and the performance also includes 10 dancers and 5 musicians.

"The Sugar-Plum Tree"

The Sugar-Plum Tree
by Eugene Field

Have you ever heard of the Sugar-Plum Tree? 
'T is a marvel of great renown! 
It blooms on the shore of the Lollipop sea
In the garden of Shut-Eye Town;
The fruit that it bears is so wondrously sweet
(As those who have tasted it say)
That good little children have only to eat
Of that fruit to be happy next day.

 When you 've got to the tree, you would have a hard time
 To capture the fruit which I sing;
 The tree is so tall that no person could climb
 To the boughs where the sugar-plums swing!
 But up in that tree sits a chocolate cat,
 And a gingerbread dog prowls below--
 And this is the way you contrive to get at
 Those sugar-plums tempting you so:

You say but the word to that gingerbread dog
And he barks with such terrible zest
That the chocolate cat is at once all agog,
As her swelling proportions attest.
And the chocolate cat goes cavorting around
From this leafy limb unto that,
And the sugar-plums tumble, of course, to the ground-- 
Hurrah for that chocolate cat!

There are marshmallows, gumdrops, and peppermint canes,
With stripings of scarlet or gold,
And you carry away of the treasure that rains
As much as your apron can hold!
So come, little child, cuddle closer to me
In your dainty white nightcap and gown, 
And I 'll rock you away to that Sugar-Plum Tree 
In the garden of Shut-Eye Town.

More Related Content:

Sunday, November 24, 2013

"Be Born In Me"

"May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope." Romans 15:13 

Rev. Palmer served at Holy Trinity
at Redhill and delivered this
Christmas sermon 100 years ago.
       He speaks the mind of God who tells us and would have us know what God thinks, for if it were not for him we could not know at all. "God did so love the world that he gave his own, one Son, to be born at this time for us, to the end that all who trust in him should not die, but have the life which lasts for aye." He came and "dwelt with us" on earth that men might see with their own eyes at least one pure life, lived free from sin. He was made "flesh of our flesh" and bone of our bone," "God with us" in truth, but man no less, true man and true God-- a child like one of our own. That is the strange thing, so deep that no man, wise as he may be, can quite take it in. He was to be "God with us," but at the same time, "a worm and no man"-- less than a man in the grief and pain and scorn which he bore.
       The texts take our thoughts back to the birth of this day. It is a birthday for the whole world to keep. All men can say: "To us this child is born; to us God gave this son of his love. I have may share in it." And so we are all glad of heart and make our church joyful with plants and flowers and sing our hymns of joy and keep the feast with gifts and good fare. It is the birth day of all our hopes. Now, it was good news of great joy that the host from on high brought to the shepherds who kept watch on their sheep in the fields. And it is still so. For us, as much as for them, was born in that small town one strong to save, "Which is Christ the Lord."
       It is old news now, and I fear it falls on our dull, cold hearts like some old tale of long past time which has lost its charm. Oh, let us not shut our ears to it as some of those first men did ! When he came to his own his own would not take him in. They said, "There is no room for him here" no room in the inn when he came to it. It was not an inn, you must know, like one of ours, but a mere bare court where those on the road might rest--a "khan" they call it in the east.
       Does it not seem to us a sad and a strange sight that a young babe should be shut out in the cold night--God in want of house room? A poor place, at best, as rude and rough as we can well think, and, such as it was, quite full with the crowd who had come first. The host of the inn sends them off. He tells them there is a cave at the back of the inn where the beasts are kept; they may find rest there, if they will. That cave, where the birth of all time took place, is still shown in the rock. A great church built there marks the spot. Then, poor, mean and cold, it was the best place he could find to lay his head.
       The fox has his hole and the bird of the air her nest, but the Son of Man hath not where to lay his head." So, in that cave in the rock, the stall of the ox and the ass, in the crib out of which they ate their hay, the newborn babe was laid. Just think what all this means--God made flesh, God born as man in this world of ours, that he might find a way to bring back man to God! He hid his might, and men hid their face from him. None but the shepherds who kept their sheep saw or knew of it till they fell to the ground in a great blaze of light, and a host of bright ones in the sky sang such a song as no choir on earth has sung, which gave praise to God on high, "and on earth peace, good will to men." Those shepherds had faith to go and seek the child of whom they were told. They found him in the crib, and they saw more than their eyes could see. They knew that in that weak child was the power of God to save. And so these good men, when they had bow'd down, went back to their flock, struck with awe, and "gave praise to God for all they had heard and seen."
       Shall we do less? Shall we not, too, go home and give thanks on our part, with joy for what we have heard? And in all our joy let us find room for the one guest who should not be left out-- room in our hearts for him whose word is life. Written by Rev. A. Smythe Palmer, M. A., D. D., vicar of Holy Trinity church, Banstead, England

       "Be Born In Me" is a gorgeous, reflective song penned by Nichole Nordeman and beautifully sung by Francesca Battistelli. Written from Mary's point of view, Nordeman weaves an insightful picture of what Mary may have felt upon learning that she would be carrying the Son of God as her child."

The Man Who Hated Christmas

       "This true story was originally published in the December 14, 1982 issue of Woman's Day magazine. It was the first place winner out of thousands of entries in the magazine's "My Most Moving Holiday Tradition" contest in which readers were asked to share their favorite holiday tradition and the story behind it. The story inspired a family from Atlanta, Georgia to start The White Envelope Project and Giving101, a nonprofit organization dedicated to educating youth about the importance of giving. To learn more about honoring a loved one through this special tradition, please visit On the site, you can browse a catalog of unique giving opportunities, create and send your own white envelope gift, purchase charity gift cards, and more."

"A Higher Call" by Adam Makos

       Four days before Christmas 1943, in the darkest hours of WWII, a miracle took place. Two enemies—an American bomber pilot and a German fighter ace—met in combat over Germany and did the unexpected: They decided not to kill one another. Even more incredibly, as old men, they found one another and became best friends.
       "A Higher Call," a new book by Adam Makos, tells this story and more—it explores the mysteries—how did the German pilot become the kind of man who would spare a bomber? What other harrowing missions did the American pilot fly? How did each man change after seeing his enemy's eyes?

"A Higher Call" is now available in bookstores nationwide, just in time for Christmas gift-giving!

Saturday, November 23, 2013

The Polar Express

book jacket
       The Polar Express is a 1985 children's book written and illustrated by Chris Van Allsburg, a former professor at the Rhode Island School of Design. The book is now widely considered to be a classic Christmas story for young children. It was praised for its detailed illustrations and calm, relaxing storyline. In 1986, it was awarded the Caldecott Medal for children's literature. Based on a 2007 online poll, the National Education Association named the book one of its "Teachers' Top 100 Books for Children." It was one of the "Top 100 Picture Books" of all time in a 2012 poll by School Library Journal.
       As the story starts off, a young boy, who used to adore Christmas, hears a train whistle roar. To his astonishment, he finds the train is waiting for him. He sees a conductor who then proceeds to look up at his window. He runs downstairs and goes outside. The conductor explains the train is called the Polar Express, and is journeying to the North Pole. The boy then boards the train, which is filled with chocolate and candy, as well as many other children in their pajamas.
       As the train reaches the North Pole, the boy and the other children see thousands of Christmas elves gathered at the center of town waiting to send Santa Claus on his way. The boy is handpicked by Santa to receive the first gift of Christmas. Realizing that he could choose anything in the world, the boy asks for one bell from one of the reindeer's harnesses. The boy places the bell in the pocket of his robe and all the children watch as Santa takes off into the night for his annual deliveries.
       Later, on the train ride home, the boy discovers that the bell has fallen through a hole in his pocket. The boy arrives home and goes to his bedroom as the train pulls away. On Christmas morning, his sister finds a small package for the boy under the tree, behind all of the other gifts. The boy opens the box and discovers that it is the bell, delivered by Santa who found it on the seat of his sleigh. When the boy rings the bell, both he and his sister marvel at the beautiful sound. His parents, however, are unable to hear the bell and remark that it must be broken. The book ends with a famous quote, also promoted to the film based on it:
'At one time, most of my friends could hear the bell, but as years passed, it fell silent for all of them. Even Sarah found one Christmas that she could no longer hear its sweet sound. Though I've grown old, the bell still rings for me, as it does for all who truly believe.'
       The Polar Express is also a 2004 motion capture computer-animated fantasy film based on the children's book of the same title by Chris Van Allsburg. Written, produced, and directed by Robert Zemeckis, the film featured human characters animated using live action performance capture technique, with the exception of the waiters who dispense hot chocolate on the train, because their feats were impossible for live actors to achieve. The 21st century technology used incorporated the movements of live actors into three-dimensional animation. The film stars Daryl Sabara, Nona Gaye, Jimmy Bennett, and Eddie Deezen, with Tom Hanks in six distinct roles. The film also included a performance by Tinashe at age 9, who later gained exposure as a pop singer in 2010, as the CGI-model for female protagonist. The film was produced by Castle Rock Entertainment in association with Shangri-La Entertainment, ImageMovers, Playtone and Golden Mean, for Warner Bros. Pictures. The visual effects and performance capture were done at Sony Pictures Imageworks. The studio first released the $165 million film in both conventional and IMAX 3D theaters on November 10, 2004. The Polar Express is listed in the Guinness World Book of Records in 2006 as the first all-digital capture film. Read more . . . 

I wonder where the railroad starts
That runs to Christmas-land?
And do excursion tickets cost
More than a boy can stand?

If I had time and money, too,
I'd start to travel, and
I'd wander up and down till I
Had found the Christmas-land.

I wonder if good Santa Claus
Would leave a map for me.
I'd like to figure out how long
A voyage it would be.

Servants of Santa Claus

By James A. Edgerton. December 23, 1909 - The usual conception of Santa Claus is that of a rather innocent, unsophisticated, though benevolent old gentleman who visits all the houses in Christendom the night of Dec. 24 and leaves presents for all good children and even remembers some who are not so good. But this idea fails to do the busy old saint full justice. As a matter of fact, he has to be quite up to date to attend his numerous customers. He is so much a man of affairs that it is necessary for him to adopt modern methods. Nowadays it is essential for every large business to be carried out through an army of assistants and deputies, and who, pray, has a larger business than Santa Claus? When he first started in the Christmas line it might have been possible for him to make a personal visit to all the homes where his gifts were expected, but now all that is changed. So he drafts the expressman, the messenger boy, the postman, the delivery man and a whole lot of other folks into his service. 
       For example, he appoints as deputies at least half a million extra expressmen in the United States alone. Ordinarily the express companies have about that number of employees, but during the two weeks before Christmas, when Santa calls on them to carry so many of his packages, they have to double their forces. To gain an idea of the immensity of the burdens the old gentleman imposes on them a few figures are necessary. The Christmas packages delivered by the express companies in the city of New York alone amount to over two million and in Chicago, and Philadelphia about a million and a half each, in Boston over a million and in other cities a proportionate number. When it is reflected that this is an average of nearly one package for every man, woman and child and that there are something over eighty millions of men, women and children in Uncle Sam's domain, the stupendous proportions of this Christmas business can be realized. On account of the expense of sending packages by express it is estimated that few if any of these Christmas bundles are worth less then $2.00, while some of them are valued at hundreds of dollars. It is thus seen that the Christmas business handled by the express companies alone represents a value of hundreds of millions.
       This does not take into account that great number of bundles carried by the messenger boys. In the four cities above mentioned these amount to nearly a half million in number. The jovial old saint could scarcely get along without their help.
       In addition, it is necessary for Santa Claus to enlist the services of an army of extra store clerks, delivery wagons and teamsters. It can readily be seen that for a couple of weeks he is about the biggest business man on earth. If his army were one of war rather than peace he could conquer the world. 
       Then he musters in a large array of Salvation Army and Volunteer lads and lasses to gather and cook Christmas dinners for the poor and to help distribute his presents in the tenement districts. He never forgets the needy.
       But among his great array of deputies let us not forget the postman. Who has not seen the faithful servant staggering under his great loads on Christmas morning? The business done by Uncle Sam's post office for the two weeks before Christmas is just about double what it is at ordinary times. All this is because of Santa Claus, so the extra clerks and postmen needed must be credited up to him.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Christmas Greetings from The Choir

Above and below children's choirs dressed in traditional
Orthodox robes sing Christmas greetings to you!
Christmas Greetings, "In sending friends a greeting, I may forget a few,
 But there is one thing certain, It never will be you"
Choir boys from the late 1800s.
"A Happy Christmas to You"

Clip Art of Isaiah 9:6

"For to us a child is born, to us a son is given,
and the government will be on his shoulders,
And he will be called: Wonderful Counselor,
 Mighty God, Everlasting Father,
 Prince of Peace." Isaiah 9:6

Clipart of Micah 5:2

"But you, Bethlehem Ephrathah,
 though you are small among
 the clans of Judah,
 out of you will come for me
 one who will be ruler over Israel,
 whose origins are from of old,
 from ancient times."
 Micah 5:2

"Silent Night" Clip Art

Description of Illustration: Nativity, angels, Mary Mother of Jesus, manger, Holy Ghost Dove, Hand of God The Father, stained glass, text "Christ The Savior Is Born", black background

Black and White Clip Art of Angels

Angel pointing to a star
Angels with The Ten Commandments
Angels deliver a soul to Heaven
Angels sing about God's glory
A group of lively angels toll the bells in a church
An angel visits a weary mother
Angels with laurels
Attending Angels carry a soul to Heaven
Angels deliver another soul to Heaven

More Clip Art of Angels:
Coloring Pages of Angels:

Clip Art of Angelic Beings

The angel Gabriel
An Archangel named Michael
A blue angel
An angel with red wings
More Clip Art of Angels:

Clip Art of "Angels We Have Heard on High"

Illustrated lyrics from the hymn called Angels We Have Heard on High,
"Gloria, in excelsis Deo!"
 Listen to more music artists sing, "Angels We Have Heard on High"

Clip Art of The Three Wise Men

       This clip art of  three wise men is brought to you by the Christian Clip Art Review. Please read their Terms of Use here

Three wise men give gold, frankincense and myrrh.
All these precious gifts are reserved for the burial of kings.

Wise men follow a star to find the baby Jesus.

Wise men travel by camel through the
desert to worship the baby king.

Three wise men present gifts to Jesus.

Have a question about the illustration? Just type it in the comment box and I'll get back to you as soon as possible. I only publish content that is closely related to the subject, folks.

More Wise Men Clip Art:

Vintage Nativity Postcards

Nativity Crafts:
Handmade Nativity Cards:
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