Alternatively, you may prefer to collect a supply of these materials during autumn walks in parks. Young children can collect acorns and acorn caps, dried thistle, seed pods etc... from the fields or paths through the woods. Use these family walks as opportunities to talk about the animals and birds that eat the seeds from the pods and how these are an important food source for them to store for winter. Then collect a few for the family to work with in their Christmas crafts at home.
Seed craft can be made to look quite sophisticated, so you need not worry about your older kids becoming bored with this craft material. Enlist them in the discussions about bird habitats so that they become the teachers of their younger siblings. Make this kind of outing an annual event, a family time that they can look forward to every year and that they can repeat with their own children someday.
Seed shells in particular have one other characteristic that make them an excellent craft material, they are very light weight. Tiny ornaments made from them may be hung on the most delicate branches of a table top tree. So they are ideal for hanging on the branches of a Cypress tree, the antique tips of a German feather tree or even on a collection of pussy willow intended for the Spring celebration of Easter/Lent.
I will include a series of nut and seed ornaments on this holiday blog throughout the year so that those of you who have too much free time this winter, will find ample ideas for the manipulation of this annual Fall harvest! Below is a listing of basic supplies.
- For adults and children 5th grade and up - a small set of hand tools: pliers, scissors, razor blades, tweezers, tiny clippers etc...
- Old fishing and tackle box - plastic for storing tools apart from younger children
- tacky, sticky school glue - Although this takes longer to dry, it is by far a superior glue to hot glue! Hot glue looks bad and it is not as permanent.
- box of wooden tooth picks and a small bag of wooden skewers
- wax or baker's parchment to protect surfaces while you work
- empty egg cartons for sticking elements into to dry
- fast drying acrylic paints, all colors
- acrylic varnish (spray, for finishing projects)
- Zip lock freezer bags for storing nuts, seeds, shells in a cold garage or back porch - Remember that these pods and nuts are attractive to insects and mice; keep them in cold storage until they are used and toss out the edible nut parts into the woods.
- You will need a tin container for storing your final pieces: cookie tins, old popcorn containers etc... (These containers are ideal for keeping your ornaments free from moisture, insects, and mice. I have kept fragile ornaments given to me that are more than thirty years old, in mint condition inside of tins!)
Our Collection of Nut, Seed and Pod Ornament Types:
- Woodland Christmas Ornaments
- How to make a pine cone Christmas tree ornament (two versions)
- Craft Baby Jesus in A Walnut Shell
- Christmas Ornament Crafting With Wheat: Braiding and Pasting
- Crafting Seed Ornaments for The Christmas Tree
- A place for baby mice to sleep inside the Christmas tree
- Walnuts painted to look like strawberrys
- Dangling nut head people made using pumpkin seeds and acorn heads
- Craft Christmas Gourd Snowmen Ornaments
- An Adorable Snowman Craft Using Pine Cones
- Craft a Pine Cone Santa Head Ornament
- Assemble a Milkweed Pod Baby Ornament
- A Sheave of Wheat Chrismon
- Owlets in a sycamore tree ornament
- How to make a trimmed vintage pod ornament
- Traditional Gilded Walnut Ornaments
- See a lovely decorated woodland tree from Watkins Mill here
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