Monday, November 11, 2013

The Ten Commandments of Christmas Giving

"Thou shalt not become a party to the mere exchange of gifts.
Let thy heart go with each and every greeting or present thou sendest out."
by Harvey Peake
  1. Thou shalt love the giver of the gift, because he has sent the gift.
  2. Thou shalt remember first the very young and the very old.
  3. Thou shalt buy within thy means, remembering the spirit of the gift and not the value.
  4. Thou shalt not become a party to the mere exchange of gifts. Let thy heart go with each and every greeting or present thou sendest out.
  5. Thou shalt make such gifts as thy skill may warrant, inasmuch as the work of thy hands gives added value to the offering.
  6. Thou shalt tie up no bitter remembrances with a gift, but only peace and good will.
  7. Thou shalt have thy gifts ready several days before the time of delivery, that the immediate days before Christmas may be filled with peace and happiness, and not with turmoil and frenzy.
  8. Thou shalt seek the abodes of the poor and friendless with such wholesome gifts as may cheer and nourish their hungry bodies and hearts.
  9. Thou shalt not gush over thy gifts. Thou shalt show thy gratitude in more sincere ways.
  10. Thou shalt at earliest opportunity, give written or verbal thanks for such kindnesses as thy friends may have bestowed upon thee at Christmas.
More 10 Commandments at Christmas:

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