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Monday, December 2, 2013

Craft a Snowman From A Paint Stirring Stick

      When my girls were very small, they brought all kinds of quirky, cute little snowman crafts home during the holidays. This funny little guy has been hanging on one of our Christmas trees for fifteen some odd years. He is made from a paint stirring stick. One of the children's preschool teachers probably picked up a dozen of these at a paint store where they give them away with a purchase. Some stores give them away without a purchase. 
      The little ones then painted the lower larger half with white paint and the shorter, upper half with black. The teacher then hot glued a few simple trims on and each child dipped his or her finger into pink paint to fingerprint the rosy cheeks!
More things to make with discarded wooden rulers and yard sticks:
Search also Kim Pearson's "Repurposed Crafts" pinboard for new ideas!

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