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Monday, December 2, 2013

Christmas Ornaments Crafted With Wire and Glass Beads

Above is a wire wrapped cross made by my tween aged daughter several years ago. She chose to use silver wire for this Christmas ornament craft, but you could use any color of wire for the project.

      My daughters crafted these bent wire ornaments while they were in middle school. Although the craft is simple, I consider it more appropriate to older children. The wire can be a bit tricky to work with and it takes some strength to shape the outer wire armatures. You will need very heavy wire for the cross or star shapes. Form these first by carefully bending the wire around the outside edges of a couple of cookie cutters. Detach the finished shapes from the cookie cutters.Then take a pair of pliers and snip and crush the tail end of the wire to conform to the shape. You may then start wrapping a finer wire around the snipped end of each wire form, covering any sharp points with twists of fine wire. This is done to prevent people from rubbing their fingers across a surface of the ornament where they may cut themselves and also to reinforce the final chosen shape. Then randomly begin to twist, bend, and weave the light weight wire around the form. Add an occasional glass bead to the weave.

You will need to collect together only a few items to make this contemporary looking star. Use up some of those random glass beads left over from earlier projects to finish off the wire weave.

Similar Woven Wire Ornaments:


  1. My two boys have made these ornaments before. I love how they turned out.

  2. Young people seem to consistently achieve remarkable results with this craft project. I've enjoyed demonstrating and sharing it with many students over the years.


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