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Saturday, November 1, 2014

Photocopy Leaf Prints for Your Blessing Tree

      Who doesn't like to go for a walk in the fall leaves? For this project you will need to do so, however, I've included just a few samples of leaves you may print out that were found not far from my own home just below.
      Take your little ones for a stroll through the park or neighborhood to collect some lovely fall leaves. Spread these face down on your printer's screen and close the lid, scan, and print in full color. Cut them out and back these with a bit of glue and a few nice fall themed papers. Insert a wire between the layers while you are pasting. I used a cotton covered wire and then painted my stems with brown and gold acrylic paints to mimic the real stems of leaves. These little delicate beauties may be hung from the very tips of a fragile Blessing tree; their colors will not fade for a few years nor will they shrink, crack or fall from your own indoor tree.
Left, xerox prints of my Fall leaf collection. Middle, cotton batting covered wire. Right, My leaf stems are ready for painting as soon as the paper ornaments have dried.
Because my blessing tree is so very delicate, so must my ornaments be. Leaves are by their very nature light weight and so are the my leaf ornament versions for this year's tree.
I collected these beautiful Fall leaves in my neighborhood for my Blessing Tree.
You can capture their color and shapes with a scanning bed, no problem!
There are many yellow leaves in our little community as well.
You should see the magnificent Maple tree this one came from!

More Fall Leaf Crafts for Your Home:

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