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Friday, July 4, 2014

My Belznickle Doll Dressed in a Old Quilt Coat

I crafted this Belznickle from clay, sheep's wool
and old quilt scraps.

I sculpted his face mask using Sculpey and I painted his features with acrylic paints.

I glued long strands of wooly looking mohair to his face mask to imitate a realistic looking beard.

I dressed this old-world Santa in a pair of real leather doll shoes. Then I sewed his remaining garments by hand from a selection of grey and plaid wools, sheep skin trims and a very old quilt that my great grandmother had made. The quilt was very tattered and worn. There was barely enough of it remaining for the doll's cloak! Some of the patterned fabrics in this old orange quilt were once used as feed sacks.

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