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Saturday, November 16, 2013

Polish Christmas Traditions

A Polish Custom - San Jaun Islander, December 24, 1909

       Peasant lads in the villages of Poland have a pretty Christmas custom which affords great delight not only to themselves, but to the other villagers. This is called the procession of the star. At Christmas time the boys make a large hollow star, two or three feet between the points, lighted from the interior. This is carries aloft at the end of a pole or staff. It symbolizes the star of Bethlehem. The three wise men of the East, Caspar, Melchoir and Belthazar-- are impersonated by toys. Others in the party bear a little puppet show cabinet, in which are performed the drama of the Nativity and other Scripture incidents appropriate to the occasion. From house to house around, the villagers present the boys with small coins as Christmas gifts.

Jack Stockdale talks about his experiences with Polish Christmas traditions

More Links to Polish Christmas Culture:

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