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Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Christmas Blessings Clip Art

At Christmas-Tide 
By Susie M. Best
At Christmas-tide, fair friends, forego
Your ancient feuds, and far and wide
Disseminate love's golden glow,
At Christmas-tide.

In fellowship and faith abide, 
Deny to all the name of foe,
For sake of Christ, the Crucified.
At Christmas-tide.

Rejoice in Error's overthrow,
Refute the doubters that deride,
And loud the Gospel bugle blow,
At Christmas-tide.

"To wish you all the joy and 
peace of Christmas-tide."

Description of Clip Art: Church windows, church steeples, church interiors, plus cursive brown texts...

"A Christmas filled with joy and every 
blessing I wish for you and yours."

"Good wishes for every 
Christmas joy and blessing."

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