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Thursday, November 14, 2013

A "Quotable" Christmas Acrostic

Christmas hath a darkness
Brighter than the blazing
Christmas hath a chilliness
Warmer than the heart of June;
Christmas hath a beauty
Lovelier than the world can show.
- Rossetti

Heap on more wood! The wind
is chill.
But, let it whistle as it will,
We'll keep our Christmas merry
- Walter Scott

Ring out, ye crystal spheres!
Once bless our human ears,
If ye have power to touch our
senses so,
And let your silver chime move in
melodious time,
And let the bass of heaven's deep
organ blow,
And with your ninefold harmony
make up full consort
To the angelic symphony.
-John Milton

It is the Christmas time,
And up and down 'twixt heaven
and earth
In glorious grief and solemn mirth
The shining angels climb
-D. M. Mulock Craik

Shepherds at the grange,
Where the Bible was born,
Sang with many a change
Christmas carols until morn.
-Henry W. Longfellow

The star which they saw in the
Went before them till it came
Stood over where the young Child

Merry Christmas, hear them
As the east is growing lighter.
May the joy of Christmas day
Make your whole year gladder,
-Margaret Deland

Again at Christmas did we
The holly round the Christmas
-Alfred Tennyson

Sing the song of great joy that
the angels began,
Sing of glory to God and of
good will to man
-John G. Whittier

More Christmas Acrostics:

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