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Saturday, May 2, 2009

Mark The Soft-Falling Snow

Mark The Soft-Falling Snow

Mark the soft-falling snow,
And the diffusive rain:
To heaven from whence it fell,
It turns not back again,
But waters earth
Through every pore,
And calls forth all
Its secret store.

Arrayed in beauteous green
The hills and valleys shine,
And man and beast is fed
By Providence divine;
The harvest bows
Its golden ears,
The copious seed
Of future years.

"So," saith the God of grace,
"My gospel shall descend--
Almighty to effect
The purpose I intend;
Millions of souls
Shall feel its power,
And bear it down
To millions more.

"Joy shall begin your march,
And peace protect your ways,
While all the mountains round
Echo melodious praise;
The vocal groves
Shall sing the God,
And every tree
Consenting nod."

by Philip Doddridge.

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