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Thursday, November 13, 2008

Parlor Game: Miserable Music.

   A volunteer player is seated at a piano. The player need not have much skill to play at this game. One person must leave the room, while all the remaining players choose the task the absent person is to do when he returns. When called back to the parlor, the former absent player is given a hint, but only a hint, of what he is expected to do. The other players might suggest that he is to give something to a person in the parlor or take something away from someone in the parlor. He must figure out for himself just what he is to give or take and to whom he is to do this activity. The only further clues he will have will come from the piano player. The pianist, if she is a good player, could be performing a little tune quietly while all of the game plans are made clear. And as the selected performer begins to seek to discover his task and with whom he must perform it, the pianist must "play out" clues to his success.
   As the guesser approaches the right person, or begins to discover his task correctly, whatever its nature, the music should become louder or quicker or more harmonious. If he chooses wrong tasks or people, the piano sounds should become discordant and harsh. This game can become quite boisterous and is very fun if the piano player is adept. If playing this game with a church youth group, the music minister is the proper volunteer for the piano part. This is a wonderful game to be played at choir parties after a cold night of caroling. Serve up steaming mugs of chocolate or cider while young people enjoy the riotous fun!

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